Marijuana Anonymous World Services
Outreach Liaison Trustee Description
- Update and Maintain the New Meeting Starter Kit
- Follow up by phone or email with people who have received New Meeting Starter Kit; Log the requestor’s information, then answer questions and provide guidance
- Maintain contact information for Trustees, Delegates, Districts, and meetings
- Maintain the Outreach Handbook
- Work proactively with the Outreach Policies Trustee to develop materials to educate and empower the use of MA’s service structure, policies and procedures and other tools to make changes in meetings/groups or districts/regions.
- Maintain a minimum of quarterly correspondence/contact with independent meetings via an email newsletter, or at the discretion of the trustee
- Coordinate correspondance with independent meeting and Districts to ensure the Meeting Finder information is current, including meeting attributes
- Work with other Trustees and Special Workers to maintain an up to date database of independent meetings, and meetings in districts on MA’s meeting finder; identify meetings that are no longer happening and ensure they are removed from the meeting finder; communicate with meetings registered with MA’s meeting finder regularly to ensure their information remains accurate and up to date, e.g. meeting time and place, and meeting contact information
- Act as liaison between MA World Services to districts/region and independent meetings
- Monitor and respond to inquiries made to Outreach email address on a regular basis
Contact: [email protected]
Performing Outreach Service
Any MA member, meeting, region, or district can do outreach service for other MA members. Please begin by reading the Outreach Handbook here.