Districts Directory

In Marijuana Anonymous, groups may petition the MA World Services Conference to be recognized as a District. Districts support the groups within their area and help them observe the Twelve Traditions. Districts commonly maintain a website to promote unity and public relations.

Following are the District websites. They are presented here not as an endorsement of their content and/or design, but as examples of how MA Districts are using the Internet to serve their communities.

Provision of these web addresses does not imply review, endorsement, or approval of the content of these sites.

Number Area Phone Email Website
2 San Francisco and East Bay, CA +1 (510) 957-8390 [email protected] http://www.madistrict2.org/
3 San Francisco South Bay, CA [email protected] http://www.madistrict3.org/
4 Washington State [email protected] http://www.madistrict4.org/
5 Orange County, CA +1 (657) 345-4812 [email protected] http://www.madistrict5.org/
6 N. Los Angeles County, CA +1 (818) 465-8687 [email protected] http://madistrict6.org/
7 S. Los Angeles County, CA [email protected] http://www.madistrict7.org/
8 New York Metro +1 (917) 525-3653 [email protected] http://www.mad8.org/
11 Oregon and SW Washington +1 (503) 567-9892 [email protected] http://www.madistrict11.org/
12 San Francisco North Bay, CA +1 (707) 861-8168 [email protected] http://www.madistrict12.org/
13 MA Online [email protected] http://www.ma-online.org/
14 United Kingdom +44 0300 124 0373 [email protected] https://marijuana-anonymous.org.uk
16 Australia +61 412 758 384 [email protected] http://www.marijuana-anonymous.com/
17 Denmark [email protected] https://madanmark.dk/
18 Greater Sacramento Area, CA +1 (916) 341-9469 [email protected] http://www.sacramentoma.org/
19 Toronto, Canada [email protected] http://www.matoronto.org/
20 San Diego, CA [email protected] http://www.ma-sandiego.org/
21 Colorado State +1 (303) 607-7516 [email protected] http://www.ma-colorado.org
22 New England States [email protected] http://newenglandma.org
23 Georgia State +1 (770) 468-8508 [email protected] https://madistrict23.org/
24 Alberta and British Columbia, Canada +1 (778) 554-8997 [email protected]
26 Iceland [email protected] http://maisland.is/
27 Independent MA Meetings [email protected] https://www.madistrict27.org/
28 MA Phone Meetings [email protected] https://ma-phone.org/
29 Ireland +353 87 345 7541 [email protected] https://marijuana-anonymous.ie/