Creating a New Meeting

Congratulations on your decision to create a new MA meeting! Creating a meeting requires experience, strength, hope and willingness to facilitate the new meeting until regular attending members of the group are willing to also be of service to support the new meeting.

The only requirement for starting a Marijuana Anonymous (MA) meeting is that you be an MA member in recovery and that the meeting adheres to The Twelve Steps and The Twelve Traditions. If you are very newly sober, starting a meeting can be a daunting proposition. Consider building up some sobriety time, experience in the program, and a fellowship of other members before you decide to start a meeting yourself. 

Prior to starting a meeting, it is strongly suggested that you:

  • Attend a variety of MA meetings (Online / Phone / In-Person) so that you fully understand how the MA program and 12-Step meetings work.
  • Have six months free from marijuana (ideally also from alcohol and other substances not taken as prescribed by a medical professional).
  • Work with two or more members to start a new meeting, as there are multiple service positions to fill.

There are various responsibilities when starting an MA meeting. This New Meeting Starter Kit is full of resources and insights, gathered from the experiences of many MA members, but the majority of the work is yours to do. 

The World Services Outreach committee has also created a Meeting Resource Library that contains a combination of Conference-approved and non-Conference-approved literature for any meeting to use and/or download. You are welcome to adapt any of the template documents for use in your meetings.

Once the new meeting is ready to start, fill out the form to list it on the Meeting Finder via our List a Meeting page.

One addict helping another is a fundamental part of our program, so please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it. We can offer suggestions for the above, but the majority of the work is your responsibility. If you have any questions about creating a new MA meeting, please email the  Outreach Trustee.

New Meeting Starter Kit

The New Meeting Starter Kit is full of resources and insights, gathered from the experiences of many MA members regarding things to consider before creating a meeting. 

Some Contents of a New Meeting Starter Kit:

  • Responsibilities when starting an MA meeting:
    • 7th Tradition / Treasury
    • Venue suggestions (In-person/online/phone)
    • Attributes of the meeting (open/closed, affinity groups, etc.)
    • Script composition
  • Group literature and other materials:
    • Meeting Resource Library explained
    • Sobriety tokens/chip information
    • Flyer samples
  • Maintaining and fostering a safe and healthy group:
    • Listing within the MA Meeting Finder
    • Business meeting format suggestions
    • Membership retention suggestions
  • Understanding the Structure of the Fellowship
    • Service Positions at the meeting-level
    • Starting a meeting independently or within a District/Region
    • Benefits of being part of a District
    • MA World Services introduction

The New Meeting Starter kit can be requested in digital format through the form below. Optionally, a print version may be purchased and mailed by A New Leaf Publications, the publishing department of MA.

The Meeting Resource Library serves as a catalog of documents that can be viewed on the website or downloaded for later use. The library contains some materials which are and are not Conference-approved. This includes meeting readings and script samples of various formats. There are also many resources for business meetings and materials for having safe meeting spaces. Additionally, the Meeting Resource Library will also contain translated versions of these documents, as available.

The Outreach Committee maintains the New Meeting Starter Kit and the Meeting Resource Library and ensures it is kept up to date. The Outreach Trustee is available to communicate with Meeting Sponsors and support can be requested by emailing [email protected].

Welcome to the MA family!

The MA Service Manual 

In order to better understand the responsibility and scope of what Marijuana Anonymous World Services is and does, it is highly suggested to read and become familiar with the Service Manual. This manual will help all who are interested in MA to understand the need for service and the way in which it is rendered.

The purpose of the Service Manual is to act as a guide and to explain the organization and function of the service structure of MA. The procedures, guidelines, and service structures have been created to best unify MA and pursue the goal of helping the marijuana addict. 

When filling out the form below to receive the New Meeting Starter Kit, you will also received a link to the Service Manual within your email, however below are alternative ways to access the document:

  • Available in PDF on the MA World Services website: 
  • Optional – purchase a printed version from A New Leaf Publications, the publishing department of Marijuana Anonymous: 

Using MA’s Intellectual Property

The information in the New Meeting Starter Kit is not intended to be all of the information you should know about MA’s Intellectual Property (“IP”) policies.

“Each MA group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or MA as a whole.”   Tradition Four

As an MA meeting/group, it is vital to adhere to particular elements within the Service Manual in order to protect the fellowship as a whole. Legally, you are also required to comply with MA’s Intellectual Property Policy. MA’s Intellectual Property includes MA World Services’ trademarks (the phrase “Marijuana Anonymous,” and the MA Logo consisting of the abbreviation “MA” inside a triangle, shown here) and MA World Services’ copyrighted materials (including, but not limited to Life with Hope, the Life with Hope 12 Step Workbook, MA’s service materials, including the Service Manual and handbooks, MA’s Conference-approved pamphlets, the content of MA’s website and app, The 12 Questions of Marijuana Anonymous, as well as MA’s version of the A.A. owned 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, and 12 Concepts for Service). 

The specific rules for the meeting uses of MA’s Intellectual Property (IP) are more thoroughly outlined in the MA IP Policy. For most cases, complying with the IP Policy is very straightforward, and more information on specifics are woven throughout this document where relevant.

Please review the IP policy, comprehensive FAQs, and presentation slides for more important information about MA’s IP policies and procedures:,, and