Public Information
The primary purpose of Marijuana Anonymous is to help the addict who still suffers. Therefore, public outreach, in the form of education, information, and awareness is an important aspect of our program. In addition to serving addicts, we welcome interest and inquiries from service providers in all areas – medical, the court system, educators, social workers, counselors – as well as from the general public.
Local Districts of MA are often able to provide panels, comprised of members in recovery, to speak in a diverse range of settings: schools, hospitals, prisons, conferences, rehabs. We are not “experts” who lecture on scientific aspects of drug use, nor do we have opinions on controversial issues such as legalization. Our members speak from personal experience about what it was like in the throes of active addiction, what happened, and what it’s like now that they are in recovery.
For members of the Press: For interview inquiries please contact [email protected]
Public Service Announcement
Marijuana Anonymous in the Press
Please note Marijuana Anonymous is not affiliated with any outside organizations and has no opinion on outside issues or causes.
American Addiction Centers – August 2023