District 18

Welcome to Marijuana Anonymous, a 12-Step community of people who support each other in recovery from cannabis dependence and addiction to marijuana. 

MA has 300+ weekly meetings that can be attended for free all over the world virtually and by phone, with in-person meetings available in some areas as well.  

MA has no religious affiliation, there is room for all beliefs or none. Have questions? Get Support or read our FAQ.

COVID-19 Bulletin on Meetings

Many groups have temporarily closed their in-person meetings for health and safety issues due to the coronavirus pandemic.  Please check meeting contacts, your sponsor, your local District, or Regional websites for the most up to date meeting information.

Contingency plans have been made including virtual meetings via video or conference call services such as Zoom.usFreeConferenceCall.com, Google HangoutsStepChat.com, and InTheRooms.com as well as staying connected by phone, email and social media.  Use the Land tab below to see if a land meeting in your area has a virtual meeting alternative.

If in-person meetings have transitioned to virtual meetings find your meeting you want to update. Click the button to the right of your meeting. Complete and submit the form.

Phone and online meetings are available to everyone. Visit MA-Phone.org for information on phone meetings. Visit MA-Online.org to participate in the chat room or online meetings, or see the Online tab for additional options including video chat. If you are feeling ill, please consider these options as an alternative to attending a meeting in person.

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Can’t find a meeting now? Listen to the Speaker Tapes Podcast.