Work proactively to inform the general public about the Marijuana Anonymous program.
Update such organizations with information about how to reach us, and design and facilitate mass (e)mailings in areas not presently covered by MA Districts/Regions.
Respond to inquiries that come from any outside organizations, and answer questions about MA
Explore and develop Public Service Announcements in a variety of formats, including but not limited to:
Letters addressed directly to outside organizations
Flyers to post in any publicly visible and appropriate space—bulletin boards, telephone poles, schools, wellness centers, grocery stores
Radio & Video PSAs
Press releases in newspapers and magazines
Social Media websites
Be a resource for Districts, Regions, and meetings that inquire about carrying out PI within their jurisdiction.
Support all of the above efforts consistently upholding the MA Traditions and “position” (no opinion on outside issues), keeping a focus on MA’s primary purpose to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps to the addict who still suffers.