Meeting Scripts

The MA World Services Outreach Committee has created a guide to writing a meeting script based on experience and samples from many different existing MA meetings. This document contains sample language for the most common script sections. These are the building blocks for any member to develop further into their own script. 

Each meeting script is unique, it is up to the group conscience to decide the contents of the script. The following is a list of scripts you have permission to modify at will. To make a copy for your editing, open any of the hyperlinked documents below, click File then ‘Make a Copy’.

Conference-approved Suggested Meeting Formats

Sample Meeting Format Language: Crosstalk, Safety Issues, & Phone List Usage Also available at

  • This handout contains suggested language relating to frequently encountered safety & representation issues that members and meetings can consider adding to their group or meeting’s scripts/formats to help make their meetings more safe and welcoming to all members.