The MA Literature Committee Seeks Submissions

The MA Literature Committee has various ongoing projects including the development of new pamphlets and a book of member stories. Your stories may be used in a variety of MA publications, therefore we encourage stories of varying lengths. Please use the form below for any submissions to the Literature Committee. 

Member Stories Book Project; Help us to share the experience, strength, and hope of marijuana addiction diversity… to create a book; See submission form below ; Shedding light on stories of recovery that may not always be told ... ; the following are some examples: Detox experiences, cannabinoid, hyperemesis syndrome (CHS),
Mental Health, Psychosis,
Identity (gender, racial, religious, sexual, etc.),
Cross Addiction Support From Other 12-Step Fellowships,
Seeking Sobriety During Different Stages of Life,
Long-term Sobriety ;
Additional prompts that could be applied with any of 
the above topics (suggested but not limited to)
hat did it take for you to join MA?

Before you entered recovery, did you have any objections to the concepts of higher power? 

What changes have you experienced in your concept of a higher power before and after entering recovery?

Share about your experience working the 12 Steps.

What’s your experience as a sponsor and/or sponsee?

What is your life like now? What benefits have you experienced since joining MA? 

Have your family or friends noticed changes within you since you entered recovery?

 Suggested Story Length 500 - 1200  or up to 4,000 words,
Approximate reading time: Five to Seven Minutes ; Willing to Help Review? 
The Stories Subcommittee meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month
 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

Information about Submitting Your Story

As a requirement to maintain copyright, MA World Services and A New Leaf Publications require all story authors to agree to the terms below. Should you have any questions contact [email protected]

Optional text of your story. Have document to upload with you story? Use the file upload below.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This includes one monthly meeting. Invitations are sent via Google Calendar and your email would be added to the committee Google Group.

Acknowledgement of Literary Release of Rights to Marijuana Anonymous World Services (MA). In completing and submitting the form below, I (author) declare and warrant that:

Thanks for your submission!